Reflexology is a very effective method of alternative medicine, known for thousands of years. It has diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive significance for man. It can eliminate or improve the course of various pains and diseases: back, neck and neck pain, headaches, rheumatic pains, leg pain, migraine.
In reflex massage, pressure is exerted on a specific area and signals are transmitted to the organ by the reflex point. With the help of reflex massage we influence and eliminate individual problems detected during diagnosis.
During reflex massage we press and rub individual spots and points on the foot, which are closely connected not only with the organs in the human body, but also with the muscles, tendons and spine. By pressing on these points we find out if the client is experiencing pain. If so, we address the reflex point in question, try to figure out the cause and then choose the right treatment.
With the help of reflex foot massage it is possible to improve the overall metabolism, affect pain and discomfort or internal organs or back muscles. It can also speed up recovery and remove the feeling of heavy feet.
For foot therapy, we start by relaxing the feet using a massage machine that has three phases with infrared heating. During the relaxation on the massager, the feet are vascularised and surface tension is removed. Then the therapy continues manually, where we relax the feet by reflex foot massage, classical massage or mobilization techniques.
Reflex back massage acts on the nervous system, which is the main control system in the human body. Reflex massage of the spine uses the reflex arc. This means that receptors are stimulated during the massage. These relay the information through the pathways to the brain. The brain then processes it and the information then travels through centrifugal pathways to the subcutaneous tissue, muscles or organs.
In reflex massage of the spine, the strokes are mainly performed along the spine and in the area of the shoulder blades. The massage is performed without oil or creams and usually lasts 30 minutes. At the beginning of the therapy, two diagnostic strokes are performed. These diagnostic palpations can be used to determine if pain points are present. Also, by applying pressure with the thumbs and fingers of the hands, stiff muscles can be released. The blood circulation is improved, the function of the organs is adjusted and the metabolism is accelerated.