Many people nowadays suffer from spinal pain. Most often it is a muscular imbalance, overloaded muscles or poor posture. Pain is caused by prolonged static overload in incorrect positions (e.g. sitting incorrectly at the computer or in front of the TV). We form incorrect movement patterns. Many times it is back pain that reveals functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system, whether in the early or advanced stages (scoliosis, damaged intervertebral disc).
In our private rehabilitation centre Rehab Klinik Bratislava there is a neurological outpatient clinic with two doctors certified in FBLR and neurology. At the beginning of a neurological examination, any good neurologist will perform a good initial examination, which is the basis for a quality examination. Through diagnostics and examination methods, he or she will detect muscle imbalances and any tissue tension. During the examination we perform kinesiological analysis, soft and mobilization techniques. It is therefore to the patient’s advantage if they see a neurologist first.
In the field of neurology and physiotherapy we deal with problems in the musculoskeletal system, pain as such, headache, back pain, dizziness, pain radiating to the upper and lower limbs, movement discomfort or tinnitus.
To the above diagnoses are associated with sensations of pinching, burning (so-called paresthesias), trembling of the hands, accompanied by weakness as such. If we have a shooting sensation, there may also be a problem in the disc area. If the condition is acute, the pain is great and the patient needs numbing medication, the doctor recommends resting in pain-relieving positions and we use physical therapy agents to help with the pain, which constrict the swelling, blood flow and aid in healing.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a very common problem occurring in our neurological outpatient clinic. This is pressure on the median nerve. It is necessary to shake the hand occasionally to make the pain subside. In this case, surgery is not immediately necessary. We can reduce the swelling with physical treatment. An EMG examination is needed to confirm the diagnosis.
Facialis or also facial nerve palsy is caused by cold. Treatment is by facial muscle stimulation and kinesiotaping.
For the treatment of DMO, the early sequelae of stroke, we use the concept according to Bobáth and Kabát. Using facilitation and stimulation techniques of the upper and lower limbs, we facilitate and start the movement of the paralyzed upper and lower limb.
Our neurologists, specializing in neurology, rehabilitation, focus on rehabilitation therapy, treatment of post-traumatic and post-surgical conditions and prevention, diagnosis and counseling. When seeing a neurologist, it is necessary for the client to have a diagnosis such as an MRI of the brain, cervical spine. A description is also needed, based on which we can assess whether the client needs rehabilitation or medication, or if they need to stabilise their condition, positioning or strengthening of the arms or limbs.
We suffer from weakened shoulder blade muscles, buckled sitting, head between the shoulders. With a proper diagnosis, the neurologist and the rehabilitation doctor will determine whether this is a functional or structural change. In the case of a functional change, we try to set the right rehabilitation treatment, we strengthen the weakened muscle, we stretch the shortened muscle. We teach the client spinal and vertebrogenic exercises. We often supplement the movement therapy with heat treatments to relieve muscle spasm. If the muscle is relaxed, we can work with it. Functional change can go into structural change, the crevice narrows, the disc dries out, growths form.
The neurologists at Rehab Klinik Bratislava try to eliminate the problems by means of back school, correct sitting stereotypes, Bruger’s sit, use of devices such as fit ball, Bosu, etc. A good example is the alternation of fitball and chair when sitting at the computer. We respond to the latest trends in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, be it disorders caused by arthrosis, osteoporosis, coxarthrosis, post-traumatic spinal conditions, multiple sclerosis, post-operative conditions, fractures.
The basis of prevention is rehabilitation exercise. Therefore, exercise must be properly guided by a physiotherapist. The diagnosis is established by a neurologist and a rehabilitation doctor. Children are mainly troubled by a weakened deep stabilization system, scoliosis is formed, which contributes to the balance in the body. Incorrect sitting at school, lack of exercise, or overexertion in sports without compensation leads to long-term problems in children. Therefore, in addition to treatment, prevention is also necessary.