Examination with a podoscope

What is a podoscope?

Podoscope is a modern, very frequently used device used in physiotherapy to diagnose orthopaedic defects of the feet, small joints of the feet and ankle joint. The podoscope technology is based on the incidence of polarized light on a highly resistant acrylic surface. Thanks to its high sensitivity, it can also evaluate the compressive load on the different parts of the plantar surface of the foot, thanks to which we can accurately specify the static or dynamic deficit causing the difficulty.

The podoscope also includes a camera system and podiatry software, with which we can take pictures of the feet or shins and provide the client with an accurate explanation of the condition of their feet.

Vyšetrenie prístrojom - podoskopom
Diagnostika chodidiel podoskopom

How is the podoscopic examination performed?

We supplement the results from the podiatry software with several functional and static tests that verify the information from the camera footage, providing a comprehensive view and directing us to the ideal solution to the client’s problem.

Nowadays, we most often encounter the so-called valgus (hyperpronation) of the talocrural joint and the talocalcaneal joint, with the so-called longitudinal or transverse flatfoot. Hallux valgus is a frequent diagnosis. The most common reasons for foot arch drop are trauma (fractures of the small bones of the foot, damage to the articular structures of the foot), overweight, hypermobility, improper footwear, hormonal changes (the so-called postpartum flatfoot).

Subsequent treatment of the feet

By understanding the kinesiology of the foot and shin, our goal is to always center these body parts in an ideal axial alignment so that the Achilles tendon, ankle and heel line are in plane and perpendicular to the floor axis. This goal is aided by our quality orthotic insoles, which we can individualize to the client’s exact fit.

As a result, the client will obtain an ideal axial posture of the whole body, because the correct alignment of the legs or shins will affect the position of the knee or hip joints, the depth of the lumbar lordosis and the posture of the spine.

A comprehensive foot examination with therapy takes 50 minutes.