Bc. Miroslava Hvojníková


Mirka studies the human body, graduated as a massage therapist and later as a physiotherapist at university. In her practice she uses exercises, kinesiotaping, visceral manipulation, soft techniques, banking, manual lymphatic drainage. However, most of her work is with women- she is a certified specialist in pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. Her work experience has been gained in various rehabilitation settings, but most notably in the UK where she worked as a physiotherapist.

Education and courses

  • Slovak University of Health Sciences in Bratislava, Department of Physiotherapy – Master’s studies
  • University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, physiotherapy – bachelor studies
  • Secondary Medical School, Žilina, massage therapist, graduated with a matriculation examination
  • Diagnostic and mobilization techniques of functional pathologies of the musculoskeletal system in a global context, RehaThink Partizánske
  • Holistic care for obstetric scars, Žilina
  • Rebozo in physiotherapy practice, Žilina
  • Holistic care for pregnant women from the midwife’s perspective, Žilina
  • Neurology in physiotherapy practice, RehaThink webinar
  • Visceral manipulation, part 2, RehaThink Partizánske
  • Physiotherapy of pelvic floor muscle dysfunction and urinary incontinence Bratislava and Košice- certified course completed with practical and theoretical examination (expert guarantor- doc. PhDr. Magdaléna Hagovská, PhD., Cert. MDT and chairman of the examination committee Mgr. Zuzana Woleková)
  • Visceral manipulation, Part 1, RehaThink Partizánske
  • SI joint- diagnosis and rehabilitation, workshop
  • Kineziotejping- kurz pre tehotné a bábätká
  • Kinesiotaping – basic course + lymphotaping
  • Foot reflexology
  • Vacuum bank massage


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