At Rehab Klinik Bratislava, our professionally trained physiotherapists and masseurs will provide you with the following types of rehabilitation massages for musculoskeletal problems.
Massage is an activity in which we apply our hands to the surface of the body. Its aim is to positively influence changes caused by illness or exertion, to strengthen health and increase the overall resistance of the body. Touch and massage are among the oldest healing methods because they can be applied easily and immediately. They are used in preparation for physical or sporting exercise or as a means of refreshing and eliminating fatigue. A special massage is the Breuss massage, which is performed using St. John’s wort oil to improve deep muscle relaxation and regeneration of the intervertebral discs.
Reflexology massages use a number of pressure techniques to affect the reflex area in order to elicit a positive response in other parts of the body. Reflex points are connected to different parts of the body. When these points are stimulated, relaxation waves are sent throughout the body. We use reflexology for cervical spine pain, autoimmune diseases, migraine and also for detoxification of the body. Reflexology helps to activate the body’s natural healing powers and helps to restore the function necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.
The feet are very sensitive because there are many nerve endings in the feet. Reflex foot massage is created on the principles of reflexes, which are located in the feet. They are connected to every organ, gland or every part of the body. All glands, organs and other parts of the body are shown on the feet in the same arrangement as “reflections” of the respective parts. Thus, if a reflex zone is stimulated, a reaction is triggered in that organ or gland.
Sports massage is a form of massage in which soft tissue is manipulated in a person performing regular physical activity. Sports massage is designed to help correct problems and imbalances in the soft tissues caused by repetitive and strenuous physical activity and trauma. Applying sports massage before and after exercise can enhance performance, aid recovery, and prevent injury.
Soft massage techniques or soft tissue manipulation is a treatment by stretching the skin in the fascia, loosening the fascia in the subcutaneous tissue and affecting its reflex changes. The technique is painless and no oil is used. This therapy is used to release malpositioned muscles, shortened muscles and tendons, scars and to facilitate subsequent mobilisation or manipulation. The method is suitable for acute and painful conditions.
Mobilization techniques affect the mobility of the joints of the spine, including “jointplay” (joint clearance). Mobilisation refers to the gradual restoration of joint mobility in the event of functional impairment. It is performed by repeated, non-violent movements in the direction of the movement restriction. Mobilisation also uses the influence of breath and eye movement on the muscular system.
Lymphatic drainage is the only physiological treatment of the skin and subcutaneous tissue that can cause their regeneration. It is also a support for the outflow of lymph from the tissue without enhancing blood flow. It deeply cleanses the body of waste products of metabolism, improves blood circulation and thus supplies the tissue with oxygen and nutrients, which has a beneficial effect on the body. It is a time-tested method for the proper functioning of the lymphatic system.
However, lack of exercise and improper eating slows down the lymph and clogs the body with harmful substances. Using this technique we rid the body of swelling, strengthen the immune system, relieve painful tension in the limbs and bring relaxation and welcome relief. Lymphatic drainage is an invaluable aid in the fight against cellulite in combination with proper nutrition and exercise. It is also used as a prevention of varicose veins.