Dipl. fyz. Jana Lukačovičová

physiotherapist, yoga, pilates, massage

Joga terapeutka Janka
Janka is a qualified physiotherapist with many years of experience in her field. She combines physiotherapy with therapeutic yoga, DNS and other techniques. By diagnosing, she will provide you with a treatment tailored to your health problem. She has worked and studied in different parts of the world. She is a certified physiotherapist for the Vojta Method and Developmental Kinesiology. She will take care of your child’s proper development from birth. She addresses diastasis, scoliosis, torticollis or CKD – central coordination disorder in babies. She has enriched her practice with the DNS method, which is based on Vojta therapy. She also treats older children with postural defects, scoliosis, etc. She also specializes in spinal and neurological diseases. Her specialty is children “differently abled” such as DMO, Down syndrome, genetic disorders, ADHD, autism, and others.


  • Vojt’s method
  • DNS A,B,C
  • DNS for children
  • DNS Yoga
  • Mobilisation techniques
  • SM system A,B
  • Faulty posture Svejcar
  • Breuss massage
  • Reflex massage
  • Shiatsu and Indian head massage
  • Detoxifying honey massage
  • Banking
  • Rebound therapy
  • Acsess Bars – gentle head relaxation
  • Watsu
  • Anusara Yoga
  • Therapeutic yoga
  • YIN yoga
  • Yoga for differently abled children
  • Children’s yoga
  • Mindfulness techniques, meditation


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